Customize my platform

You have access to simple customization options in your Settings. Before you get started, take the time to walk through each step of the Settings.

The short video here will guide you through the customization of your settings :

Coming shortly

1. Reimbursement options for your classes

Establish which reimbursement method you want to implement on your classes. It can be flexible or more rigid.

you can watch the given video for more details :

2. Timetable iFrame (integrate your schedule into your own website)

This section allows you to integrate your schedule into your own website so that your students can book their classes directly from your website.

pageIntegrate my Yoga&Me schedule into my website

Add your studio's logo by dragging it into the box provided.

4. Color customization panel

You can customize the color scheme of your platform so that it is consistent with your website and your brand. A bad choice of the color panel will affect the reading of your text. Don't hesitate to ask our team to help you.

5. Health questionnaire

You can suggest that your students fill out a health questionnaire before making their first reservation. This questionnaire will be saved on each of your students' profiles.

6. Notifications

Choose what type of messages you wish to receive from our team.

7. Stripe settings

This step is necessary in setting up your booking platform as it allows you to take payments from your students.

pageChange the email associated with my Stripe accountpageModify my banking information

Last updated